by Rob Bralow, Wine Post Editor
I was worried about repeating the news on my blog about the Palate Press Wine for Haiti fund raiser. Thoughts like "would anyone care?" and "this is already on the Internet, is posting it again really necessary?" crossed my mind.
Then I watched the news and I got seriously choked up. Listening to the droning voice of Brian Williams on NBC was not the most emotional presentation, which might have made it more powerful. I watched the stories about children with broken bones that need to have their arms and legs amputated, babies being flown out of Haiti to Miami because there are no facilities in Haiti that can accommodate their injuries, and a husband who found his wife until tons of rubble who had survived for six days without food or water. That last one was probably the most powerful for me.
So now I am doing what I can.
For the wine bloggers who read this: Spread the word! This is social media at its finest, where we can reach millions of people together at once. Post it on twitter AGAIN, post it on Facebook AGAIN. Make sure that there is no one that you know who has not read about Wines for Haiti and had their chance to decide to donate a bottle, or bid on a lot.
For the winery representatives and PR people who read this: Consider donating a bottle, a mixed case, a visit to your vineyards, a dinner with your winemaker, a signed label, a corkscrew, an imprinted wine bag, ANYTHING. Your donations are what will make this a truly worthwhile fund-raiser. Right now the brands that have donated product have been listed at Palate Press and bloggers everywhere are linking back to it. That is my marketing background speaking. I also know that samples are sitting in your back offices and that this is a worthwhile cause to put that product to.
For wine lovers reading this but not necessarily connected to the wine industry: Think about bidding on a lot. Right now the American Red Cross has raised over $20 million through text message fund raising. That is truly incredible. Keep doing that. But this is also a great way to not only donate to the cause be get rewarded for it.
For Everyone: Tell someone. Spread the word and keep people talking about it. . Do not let it dwindle, because there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in Haiti and there will still be need in Haiti for weeks to come.
22 hours ago