The Internet is a many splendored thing. It really and truly amazes me that there is such a huge potential for communication and discourse. And that it is mostly used for flinging mud.
Although, really, who does not like a good mud fight?
I submit to you, my readers (Hi Grandpa! Hi Mom!), the following interesting discussions that are happening right now (or recently) in the wine blogosphere:
… And Who Regulates the Bloggers – by Anthony Dias Blue, Editor of Tasting Panel Magazine (Page 4, July 2009)
Rats, the “Established Media” did it Again – by Erin McGrath, Editor of Vintwined
Leave Me out of Your Tail Wagging, Finger Pointing Ego Contest – By Jeff Lefevere, Editor of Good Grape: A Wine Manifesto
Anthony Dias Blue, bloggers and the exposure package – By Tyler Coleman, Editor of Dr. Vino and published author of multiple books on wine
A Controversy Akin to Shakespeare Meets Chop-Socky – By Kevin Keith, Contributor to Under the Grape Tree
Paper Based Wine Magazines: We’re Still Standing – by Steve Heimoff, West Coast Editor for Wine Enthusiast Magazine and editor of his self named blog
Social Media is a Tool People - A Tool! – by Shana Ray, Social Media Consultant and founder of Breath(e) Media
When Blogs Go Bad – by Steve Heimoff, West Coast Editor for Wine Enthusiast Magazine and editor of his self named blog
In response to “When Blogs Go Bad” - by Shana Ray, Social Media Consultant and founder of Breath(e) Media
Beware of Wine Bloggers – by Amy Corron-Power and Joe Power, Editors of Another Wine Blog
“Karma Police, arrest this man…” – by Katie Pizzuto, Editor of Gonzo Gastronomy
Personally, I think this is some truly riveting discourse. Much better entertainment than Harry Potter and The Half Blood Price (you mean there are TWO more movies still to come??? Sheesh…). I love every minute of it. The more discussion the better! The more opposing points of view the better! The new age of information dissemination has a long way to go before we figure out what works, who to listen to, and where we want to get our information. I still read the New York Times (whenever I can) as well as about twenty magazines. In addition, I also read hundreds of blogs DAILY. And of course I watch the most fair and balanced as well as trusted voice in news, The Daily Show hosted by John Stewart.
Professionally, I have no intention of getting involved. It is my job to understand and relate to both bloggers and “traditional” media, even as that line is being blurred with every word published online.
22 hours ago